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Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Are Online ExtraCurricular Activity Courses?

Extracurricular activities have always been an important part of a student’s life, whether it’s participating in games like cricket, badminton, football etc. or doing activities like arts, paper organza etc. However, since online education is going on students are becoming distant from any kind of extracurricular activities, and they don’t get many chances to participate in any physical activities. This lack of physical and creative activities can make students dull, monotonous and lethargic, to avoid this many teachers and institutes are promoting extracurricular activities along with online classes. That is why many expert teachers are creating and selling online extracurricular courses. Yes, that’s right online extracurricular activity courses, you can find such courses on the course selling platforms or websites that allow you to sell online courses from your own website. Let’s know what these courses are.

Online extracurricular activity courses are those online courses which are based on any activity or skill that is not associated with any academic subject or topic. These courses are created by the expert teachers or instructors of that particular activity like yoga instructors, art & craft teacher, Zumba trainer etc. These experts make DIY and instructional videos to teach the extracurricular activity to the learners, and after getting trained and completing the online course, students will get Certificates, as they get after completing any other online courses.

Benefits Of Online Extracurricular Activity Courses

Greater Accessibility: Like any other online course, online extracurricular courses provide students with greater accessibility. Students can learn and do their activities from any place, they just need a device and a stable internet connection after that, they are good to learn. And these courses also show different ways in which students can learn and perform various physical and creative activities from the safety of their homes.

New Skills To Learn: Enrolling in online extracurricular courses is a great way to learn new and exciting skills for students. You might have done many courses related to your academic subjects or for career development, but have you ever thought of doing courses for yourself and to have fun and learn something different? By doing these courses you can learn new skills which excite you, you can enrol for online guitar lessons, and learn to cook or do clay pottery. There are thousands of such online courses and skills waiting for you to be discovered.

Better Participation Rate: Online courses of extracurricular activities provide more chances for individual learning than offline courses. Usually during offline classes, when teachers train or instruct they are unable to give individual attention to all students and teach at their own pace; which can be difficult for some learners. But in online classes, learners can learn at their own pace and develop individual skills. Online courses also give the option to the learners to come back to previous lessons as many they want; allowing them to revisit and revise their learnings.

Multiple Options: In offline classes, students can learn and do only those extracurricular activities which are taught in their school, which leaves students with limited options to explore and learn skills of their choice. But in online courses, students can search and enrol on the course of their choice, whether it’s a digital illustration course, chess playing or learning paper organzas you can find courses on any activity. Several experts are creating and selling course or launch course related to different activities.

More Economical: Online extracurricular activity courses are more economical than offline ones, as in these courses learners do not have to arrange any extra instruments, create a setup or spend money on transportation. Students can learn from their homes, with minimum to no extra props or materials, and this saved money can be utilised to buy learning materials and better pieces of equipment, needed during the activities.

How To Choose The Right Online Extracurricular Activity Course?

  • Explore your interests, or if you have any specific choice or interest in a particular activity. 
  • Do the research, learn about the activity you want to do, famous people and instructors in that field.
  • Don’t just buy any course, take trials, & read reviews about that particular course and course instructor.
  • Don’t buy expensive courses and pieces of equipment at the beginning, learn from beginner-level courses and use second-hand equipment.

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