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Migraine: Various Triggers And How To Deal With The Pain

Particular situations of discomfort can result in severe conditions of pain. It could bring about issues like soreness, stabbing, aching, itching, throbbing, injury, or any other form. Any pain makes it difficult for individuals to focus and carry out their routine tasks.

While we refer to every discomfort as pain, there are four different types based on the factor that causes it. They are- chronic pain, neuropathic pain, nociceptive pain, and radicular pain. Migraines come under the category of neuropathic pains because they cause inflammation in the neural portions of the body, particularly the CNS (central nervous system).

Many individuals define migraines as a profound and unbearable feeling of pain in the head. Globally, around 1 billion people suffer from migraines, as stated by a report in 2021. Numerous medications are formulated to meet the requirements of the increasing number of patients to rectify this concern. Apart from this, natural remedies like CBD products from CBDistillery at cbd.co may also potentially lessen the intensity of migraines. Keep reading the article to know the best way to deal with severe headaches, including migraines.

Is your headache a migraine?

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Simply put, migraines are severe headaches accompanied by throbbing and pulsing sensations in the head, caused by neuropathic damage. According to pathophysiologic models, it is categorised as neuropathic pain caused by malfunction or damage of the nerves in the skull.

Migraine can also develop into a chronic condition. It is observed that this condition initiates due to neurogenic inflammation that affects cranial blood vessels. Nevertheless, one cannot term migraines as simple headaches. It is a neurological disease with different accompanying symptoms and different treatment approaches.

What are the symptoms of migraine?

Knowing the difference between headaches and migraine can help you understand the symptoms associated with them. These symptoms can differ from individual to individual. However, knowing them can help you distinguish whether your head pain is a migraine or not.

Even though this severe, neuropathic pain is different for different people, the common symptoms related to it are-

  • Fatigue
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Lack of appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Constipation or diarrhoea
  • Frequent thirst
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Difficulty in vision
  • Nausea with severe headache
  • It could last for a couple of hours or days

What triggers severe headaches and migraine?

Migraine headaches are not like regular ones. For quite some time, health specialists have not been able to state-specific causes of migraine. However, it is likely to be hereditary and run in the families. Hence, triggers could be biological or environmental factors.

Most people who experience migraine headaches have spontaneous attacks. It means that no particular action is made to trigger pain. Only a few individuals experience migraine due to an identifiable cause. Nevertheless, some common triggers that lead to this unbearable and stabbing pain are-

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Improper diet
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Skipping meals
  • Change in weather
  • Hormonal fluctuations in women
  • Excessive caffeine intake
  • Intense physical exertion
  • Some medications

Ways to deal with migraines

A migraine attack can make you forget all the alternative ideas to reduce it. However, a little thoughtfulness can allow you to steal some relief from the excruciating pain. Following are some ways to deal with and treat the early phases of a migraine headache.

Hydration is a must.

Migraine is a condition that remains unchanged even after proper precautions. However, certain practices might help lessen the intensity.

For instance, according to the American Migraine Foundation, one in three individuals experience migraine pain due to dehydration. Drinking an adequate amount of water may positively impact individuals affected with migraine.

Therefore, consuming sufficient water between attacks may help in preventing intense headaches.

Isolate yourself

Individuals struggling with migraine often complain about being sensitive to light and sound. Not only this, these factors even make the pain more intense.

The above statements justify the powerful influence of light and sound intensity on the severity of migraine headaches.

Isolating yourself in a quiet and darkroom can be a good start. Not only will it help you relax but also make you fall asleep. Even though sleeping does not guarantee an end to migraine, it can help the body release pain-relieving chemicals. Increased sensitivity to these factors may worsen the condition.

Herbs to the rescue

Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/oil-cannabis-oil-cbd-oil-hemp-6559727/

Natural herbs and remedies may be a convenient alternative in dealing with migraine. Taking a sniff of herbs like lavender may have calming and soothing effects. Not only does it help an individual in relaxing, but it also alleviates stress caused by pain.

On the other hand, consuming natural oils like CBD oil have potential analgesic properties. CBD Oil may provide relief to the unmanageable pain of migraine. This cannabinoid influences the endocannabinoid receptor system in the brain. Thus, decreasing the impact of migraine headaches. Consuming a few drops of CBD oil once or twice (or as a person prefers) a day may help in reducing the severity of headaches. Just like any other natural oil, one can purchase CBD oil online.

Home treatments

Home remedies can be a person’s best buddy to deal with migraine issues. A person can massage their temples to relax muscles and ease the blood flow. However, one can skip this practice if one experiences a sensitivity to touch.

Additionally, an individual with migraine can place a cold/warm pack on their forehead or at the back of the neck. While the heat can help relax tensed muscles, cold therapy can numb the nerves and deflects the brain from perceiving the pain.

Check your diet

In some cases, a person’s diet can also affect the acuteness of pain. An individual is likely to feel relieved after consuming caffeine (in safe measures). Apart from this, a person struggling with migraine should avoid alcohol consumption. Doing this may make things more manageable.

What are the things to avoid if you have a migraine?

Some factors contribute to the worsening of migraine pain. Avoiding the following points might help ease the condition of the pain.

  • Bright lights
  • Loud sounds
  • Strong smells or fragrances
  • Irregular sleep patterns
  • Smoking
  • Non-vegetarian food and nuts (almonds and peanuts)
  • Aged cheese
  • Nitrate-rich food items

When to seek medical advice?

Migraine starts with mild sensitivity and gradually develops into a nauseating pain followed by intense pounding sensations in the head. It is why knowing when to seek medical help is extremely important. If your pain remains unaltered with home remedies, see a health specialist at the earliest.

The final thought

One should treat continued pulsating pain at the earliest. Any delay will only result in intense discomfort. Although preventive measures may help, one should always seek expert advice when dealing with migraine. The above strategies to deal with migraine might come in handy for several individuals.

However, it is also clear that even if an individual practices safety measures, there are chances they still end up getting a migraine headache.


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