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How To Use Telegram In Pakistan Without VPN (Update January 2024)

Are you searching for a Telegram Proxy for Pakistan? Yes, so I will guide you on how to use Telegram in Pakistan without VPN. This guide is going to help you to fix the telegram connecting problem in Pakistan with ease.

You might already know that from 2021, you can use Telegram without VPN in Pakistan as well.  You don’t need to use any proxy to access the Telegram messenger. But if you are still facing a Telegram connecting problem in Pakistan, then let’s dive into the solution so you can use Telegram in Pakistan without hassle.

If Telegram isn’t working in Pakistan, I can help you with a method to access it. Telegram has a built-in proxy feature that can fix the connection issue.

Telegram is a super popular messaging app used by Android, Desktop, iOS, macOS, and Linux users. It was introduced in 2013 by Telegram FZ LLC. People love it because of its strong focus on privacy. You can enjoy secure video calls, messaging, file sharing, and more. 

If you want to use Telegram in Pakistan without a VPN, I can help you with a Telegram proxy specifically designed for Pakistan. It allows you to access Telegram without needing a VPN.

How To Use Telegram In Pakistan Without VPN

Let’s guide you step by step to use telegram in Pakistan without proxy so come on let’s get started.

  • Firstly Install the Telegram app on your mobile 
  • Now open the app on your phone.
  •  Log In to your Telegram using your mobile number.
  • Click on the Hamburger menu to access “Settings”.

Telegram Settings

There are some Telegram Settings to use this app without VPN. These settings are mentioned below just go through them.

  • In the settings go to the menu
  • select “Data and Storage”.
  • Now, scroll down and click on the “Proxy Settings”.

For proxy settings, there are additional points like I have mentioned below.

  •  In the proxy settings, tap on “Add Proxy”.

How Set Proxy in Telegram Settings 

Here’s how you can do it: Go to the settings in Telegram, select “MTProto Proxy,” and enter the server, port, and secret provided below. Then, click on the checkmark icon. After a short moment, it should connect successfully.

Proxy 1


Port: 8888

Secret: ee1faa1a2277b1808ae9be6bc950e6991a77312e7765622e77686174736170702e636f6d

Proxy 2

Server: proxy.mtproto.co

Port: 443

Secret: 11112222333344445555666677778888

Proxy 3

Server: www.ipify.icu.

Port: 443

Secret: dd00000000000000000000000000000000

Proxy 4

Server: proxy.digitalresistance.dog

Port: 443

Secret: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

Proxy 5

Server: private.www.iran.com.badworld.motorcycles

Port: 443

Secret: 7rxHX90eh-ahBfmWf-nUBlF1cGxvYWRib3kuY29t

Proxy 6


Port: 443

Secret: ee1603010200010001fc030386e24c3add7370656564746573742e6e6574

Proxy 7

 Server: f77.from-ky.com

Port: 443

Secret: eed0d6e131bada5511fcce9584deadbeef6b65746161626f6e6c696e652e636f6d

It seems like Telegram had some issues in Pakistan in the past, but it is now accessible to users. However, some people are still experiencing connection problems.

I’ve mentioned sharing a Telegram proxy for Pakistan to help users unblock Telegram. It’s good to have alternative options to access the app like these in restricted access countries.

Why Telegram Is Not Working In Pakistan?

In October 2017, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) blocked the Telegram service in Pakistan. However, since 2021, Telegram has become accessible to users in Pakistan. Despite that, some users are still facing connection problems. It’s great that you shared a Telegram proxy for Pakistan to help unblock the app.

It seems that some users encountered issues with connecting to Telegram and started using VPNs to solve the proxy problem. Telegram proxies can indeed help by masking the user’s IP address and enhancing account security.


I’m glad to hear that this guide may help you with the Telegram connection issue in Pakistan. Use the guide to access Telegram application in Pakistan and enjoy nonstop connection and conversation.

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