The platform of Alcoholics Anonymous is the right place if you are looking for a support group that can help you overcome your drinking habit. You can also recommend it to your near ones who need help. Attending an AA Meeting can take you one step closer to recovery. Millions of individuals across the globe find these meetings extremely helpful in staying away from the habit. An AA meeting is a regular feature that brings together people who share a common goal of attaining and maintaining freedom from alcohol addiction.
Simple and effective
You only require a desire to stop drinking to become a member of the Alcoholics Anonymous organization. Participation in the AA Meetings in New Mexico, or anywhere else is purely voluntary. Anyone can attend these meetings by finding information about the upcoming schedules of local AA meetings.
You will meet like-minded people in the meetings who share their experiences or those who wish to draw inspiration from these personal achievements. Active participation is not mandatory in these meetings, although one can express their problems to seek solutions. Finding an AA Meeting is not difficult either, by using a reliable AA Meetings locator.
Meeting formats for maximum benefits
There are two broad categories of Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings:
Open AA Meetings
One need not be an alcohol addict to participate in the open AA Meetings in San Rafael, New Mexico, and elsewhere. Family members or friends of an addict may attend these meetings to explore ways to help an individual recover from the addiction.
Closed AA Meetings
These meetings are for members trying to fight addiction and achieve sobriety. No family members or friends are allowed to attend the closed AA meetings.
Usually, the meetings take place in community centers or churches. Sometimes, the meeting may be through an online platform to comply with pandemic restrictions.
Alternatively, you can also consider attending a variety of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting formats to gain specific benefits and become sober.
Traditions Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
The speaker discusses any one or more of the AA traditions at length to encourage the gathering to initiate a discussion.
Speaker Meeting
- This meeting can be a game-changer in your life if you are looking for ways to recover from alcohol addiction. The speaker meeting involves people sharing their stories of achieving sobriety by dealing with various trigger factors.
Step study Meetings
- There are 12 steps of the Alcoholic Anonymous philosophy, and the step study meeting focuses on one or multiple steps. The get-together involves a speaker or a literature head highlighting the details of the steps. Members may join in the conversation and get enlightened.
Big Book Meetings
- A group reading of the Big Book during Big Book meetings helps everyone understand the values of the Alcoholics Anonymous organization. The meeting enables participants to interact regarding specific points of the Big Book.
Any reliable AA Meetings directory can help you locate the nearest venue of the meeting, in addition to easy access to a sobriety calculator to track the progress of your recovery.
You are at the right place if you are looking for the platform to attend local AA Meetings and achieve lifelong recovery from alcohol addiction. Visit to get updated details of Alcoholic Anonymous meetings in New Mexico.