In the progressive 21st century, everyone is already familiar with various new products. Probably everyone who has just started reading this article knows a lot about e-commerce and generally knows what it is. But in the best tradition, we must first define this expression.
   E-commerce is a direction in the digital economy, including and studying various transactions that can be carried out over the Internet, as well as business processes around these transactions, are a significant component of this area. In general, if expressed much easier, then you can say so. Now shopping and shopping in general has changed. It’s not easy to go to the store and buy what you need. Now in 70% of cases we do it online. To order goods, a whole sequential chain is drawn up. It’s kind of a schema. You choose an option, place an order, funds are debited from you, the same order is processed by the seller over time, while he receives the money. And all this complex scheme is applicable to e-commerce. On these sales, in fact, his philosophy is based.
That is, the logistics of this entire area is the fulfillment of orders (do not forget that quality execution is important!). Actually, the goal as a whole is to find the best ways and opportunities to fulfill the order optimally quickly and efficiently. E-commerce as a whole is important for society in that it helps to raise the standard of living to a higher level.
However, the advent of e-commerce has created a mixed labor market environment. In any case, a relatively new area opens up opportunities for new jobs. This is progress! But the flip side of the coin is that while job options have risen, they have also declined. How is this possible? Very simple. For example, postal facilities and travel agencies, and it is logical that any trading platforms are going through times of crisis. This is mainly due to the transition to digital format.
We are with you only on the sides of manufacturability! And so on the agenda of the e-commerce platform. To be specific Shopify. This is a global platform that is popular everywhere! Most choose it in order to succeed in creating a successful online store. Since 2004, it has been pleasing us and tens of thousands of websites have been created on its basis, but suddenly 2014 comes to us and everything changes. The world lights up with Shopify Plus! This is something more than a basic plan, something much more interesting to society. Don’t forget, if there is Shopify Plus, then there is Shopify Plus Agency, which will help you in everything!
Shopify vs Shopify Plus
- Let’s start with the fact that the standard Shopify is more common than Plus. This is shown to us by standard digital statistics. There are over 500,000 merchants on Shopify. It’s incredible! While in Plus the situation is much more modest and it varies around 3400-3600. But at the same time, even if the number of sellers is not so large, it is still probably due to the high-priced tariff plan.
- After all, you know what to pay for. For example, Shopify Plus has the ability to receive support from a personal manager who will answer any question and solve everything that comes in your way.
- The next point is already benefiting Shopify without Plus as it helps small businesses! Here you can fully rely on the company and are not afraid of your small business.
- Small businesses get support and that’s cool. But that is not all. Remember, if you have a large company, then Shopify Plus is at your service, but if the situation is different, then standard Shopify is more suitable.
- Of course, it is natural that the newer version is more tuned to the modern world and everything is done in it to automatism. As a matter of fact, this is incredibly important. Ease of use is a real blessing.
We want to convey that no matter which one you choose, you will not be left in the red. The main thing is to look at your goals and desires that you would like to achieve in the end. As stated earlier by a large enterprise, it’s better to opt for Shopify Plus. But if you are not a global company and you are interested in the standard Shopify. We can offer you something intriguing. Follow the link and everything will become clear.