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Steps to Create a Good and Engaging County Website

Steps to Create a Good and Engaging County Website

Public engagement is really vital for the federal government. Over the past few years, the interaction of the general public with the local government administrators. Just like that, the transparency and accessibility of official information have also declined over the past years.

However, the government should make efforts to boost their interaction with the citizens again.

Whether it is online or offline, the government should always look for ways to improve its interaction with the general public. The government office can be a stricter place which the citizen might want to avoid going for collection information. That’s why the county government should have a good and engaging website that can serve as an alternative way of gathering information.


If you also want your government website to become a website that the citizens can rely on, you have to build one of the best county websites. In this article, we have listed some steps that you need to follow to have a good, engaging only one platform. So, now, let’s see what these steps have to say!

Steps to Build a Good County Website:

Well, before you start developing your website, there are things you have to be very clear about in the first place. In other words, you have to start with setting your goals clearly. You have to consider the purpose and objective of your local website. This means you need to have a clear idea about why you are developing this website and it is essential. Once you have a clear idea, you can then work on the content you want to have on your county website.

A sitemap refers to a list of pages that helps the search engines to find content on your site. In other words, it is an easy-to-understand summary of your website that will contain text links to every web page for web crawlers to crawl. It will show the search engine how your website is organized and whether it is good enough to come up on the first result page. Thus, setting up a sitemap is important from the SEO perspective.


Nowadays, it is really important to make sure that a website is responsive. After all, it is hard to point out a specific device that people will use to access the website. If you create a website only for desktop users, you might be disappointing the mobile users. It will be hard for the mobile users to access the website on their small screens. However, if your website is responsive, the website will automatically fit into the screen layout of the device that is used to access the website. Thus, it will offer a good user experience to your citizens.

Successful county governments share useful information with their community through their websites. You can also think of doing the same, i.e., share the information that your community will be glad to find on your website. For example, you can have a community calendar that has all the information about meetings or other relevant community events. Other than that, you also have to make sure that your website is available with language change capabilities. After all, not everyone will be an English language speaker.

The Final Thoughts

A good, engaging, and successful county website is crucial for improving the interaction of the official administrators with the local citizens, and establishing a positive image. If the government invests in developing a good and engaging website, it will only show the community that the local government cares for the local citizens. In other words, it will show that the government is here to help and serve the citizens, and regularly provide the newest information. So, without thinking too much, just invest in website developing services and have one of the best county websites across the USA.




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