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Is Your Website SEO Friendly: Check Out Know

Are you running a business? 


Do you have a website for your business!

Even better!

But is your website SEO friendly?

Whenever we want anything, the first thing we do is head toward a search engine like Google. There we search for the product or service that we are thinking about buying. We conduct thorough research.

Whenever we search for anything on the search engine, the search engine offers hundreds of results to us, but we only check some of the top results.

Now, the actual game begins.

When you are running a business, you will always want your target customers to know about your existence or find what you are offering. It means you need to come to the top results of the search engine result page.

In order to rank higher on the SERPs or search engine result pages, the primary criteria is an SEO-friendly website. You need to ensure your website is search engine optimized.

How will you find that?

There are a number of tools and software available in the online space using which you will be able to determine whether your website is SEO friendly or not. You can get them for free from this website.

Here, in this article also, we are providing you with the basic idea about an SEO-friendly website and its major characteristics.

What Is An SEO Friendly Website? 

Let’s have a look from a technical standpoint.

When a website includes all the elements in the proper place, and also the hierarchy of the website is understandable to both search engines and the users, that website is considered an SEO-friendly website.

The first and foremost thing you should keep in mind is that your website should be accessible by search engines.

Characteristics Of An SEO Friendly Website

So, now you know what an SEO-friendly website is. Now, we will talk about the characteristics of an SEO-friendly website. Knowing them will allow you to determine whether your website is SEO friendly or not.

So, now, let’s check ’em out.

Right Title Tags And Meta Descriptions

Having title tags and meta descriptions are must for an SEO-friendly website. You need to include these two things in a way which is sensitive to the recent SEO best practices.

You are required to be sure about how long the titles are and also the content and description. Every metadata has to be unique.

Setting Up And Submitting XML Sitemap

Google search console is the most powerful tool here. There your website must include the XML sitemap from the very start. It will list out every page URL of your website. After that, you are required to submit the same sitemap to the Google search engine console.

It is done to ensure that Google is indexing all those pages in its search results.

Add Business Name, Address, And Phone Number

Your website must have all these basic and essential information pieces. Both search engines and your customers will always check for all this basic information.

Thus, you just need to add your business name, address, and phone number to your website. It doesn’t matter whether it is in the header or footer; these information pieces have to be visible.

URL Should Comply With Recent SEO Standards

We do not think there is any other more significant website asset than an SEO-friendly URL. When it is about boosting your online brand visibility, only your website’s URL is not going to help. A lot of people are going to find your site as a result of a URL, which is easier to locate.

Content Should Have Header Tags

You might be thinking that header tags are just a piece of code. However, it directs the search engine to read a particular part of your webpage content pieces prior to reading the rest of the web page content pieces.

It might be a strategic place that might include keywords. Here, the header tag could be used for the further optimization of your content in the visibility of search engines.

Is Your Website SEO Friendly? 

In order to find the answer to this particular question, you need to ensure that your website has all the characteristics that we have mentioned above. If you have all of them, your website is SEO friendly.

Still, you have a lot of things to take care of for making it on the top results and consistently being there.

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