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5 Simple Editing Tips for Social Media Video Marketing

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, you name it. Social media has turned more than half the current global population into zombies glued to their screens daily. While this may be detrimental to their health, it’s keeping businesses afloat. 

Video advertising has become the go-to marketing method, and social media is serving it hot. And with the plethora of videos being uploaded daily, you will need a bucket load of creativity and courage. And a few foolproof tricks up your sleeve to get your video the clicks you envision. Fret not. We took it upon ourselves to unearth simple editing tools you can use to topple the hierarchy. You can easily become a marketing god on social media when you edit your videos online using  a video maker tool.

Captivate Your Audience Lock Stock and Barrel

Remember the antiquated TV era where you had to sit through commercial breaks before you could see Steven Segal strutting away from a flaming car? Social media has revolutionized all that. And with the copious amounts of videos being uploaded daily on social media platforms, viewers have complete authority over what they watch. You must therefore make the first five seconds count. How do you ask? You can incorporate eye-catching visuals with aesthetic appeal and motion graphics to entice your audience. Physics be damned.

Obviously, you should invest in a video maker that supports animations and renders high-quality videos. If it’s ultra 4K quality, then you got it right.

Keep It Teeny-Weeny

Good things come in small packages. Well, at least that’s what our ancestors said, and there’s no questioning them. Because they are wise. The same concept applies to video content. What would you choose if there was an option to choose between short 30-second clips and a documentary that outlasted the Lord of the Rings? I don’t know about you, but I dozed off during Lord of the Rings, so I’m all for the 30-second clips.

On the other hand, the attention span of humans keeps dwindling by the day; therefore, long videos look tiresome even if they have juicy content. So why not maximise the clicks by keeping your videos short? You could even turn the video into a miniseries to keep the viewers intrigued and wanting more.

Most social media platforms also have video length restrictions; thus, you must first familiarise yourself with the regulations before uploading. If you plan to do it for the gram, your video shouldn’t surpass the 60-second mark. If you can survive the roasting on Twitter, then 45seconds is an acceptable length for your video content. And lastly, for the millennials flooding Facebook like the corner street, the regulations are a bit lax, allowing for durations between 20 to 90 seconds and 4 hours for stories. Most video makers, both offline and online, allow for video trimming to ensure the correct length of the video is achieved.

Garnish with Subtitles and Text

If your video can’t tell a story without sound, then you’ll have to load the big guns to say it for you. That’s where subtitles and text come into play. Let’s face it, your videos will reach a diverse audience. Some may be hearing impaired, while others are just too lazy to tap the unmute button. Some social media platforms like Instagram automatically play videos while muted.

Subtitles or captions will help bridge the gap and make it easier for your viewers to understand your message even without sound. You can also adopt subtitles to alleviate language barriers. Imagine watching a Thai drama, not the dubbed type, without being fluent in the language. Yeah, thank the heavens for subtitles. Keeping my Thai drama obsession in mind, you should indubitably invest in a video maker that allows for the addition of subtitles in your videos.

Jump Cut It

Kick the boring, repeated bits to the curb and jump to the money-spinning bits. In short, jump cut it. While human beings cannot multitask, unfortunately, the human brain can switch between various tasks lightning fast. Jump cuts are mimicry of the same.

If you’ve watched any game or movie trailers, then you’ve probably seen scenes changing every other second. But with calculated fluidity so that the story is still communicated. Two words. Jump cuts! This nifty little trick is what your video needs to enthral your audience while still ensuring your message is heard. Therefore, eliminate redundancy and boring speeches today by choosing a video maker that allows jump cuts.

 Tell a Story Using a Video Maker

Obviously not a tale of old. Something catchy that speaks to your audience. Storytelling is an effective way of marketing your product without coming across as being outright promotional. You won’t even need to mention the name of the product every other two seconds or talk about what it does. The video story will do that for you.

You can even share a background story to your firm or behind-the-scenes videos with your audience as they’ll find them more relatable. The real you is more authentic. And real sells. So, say hello to more subscribers, and the Benjamins, by incorporating storytelling into your video content regimen.

Over to You

Making a masterpiece is time-consuming. But worth it at the end of the day. With a formidable video maker, creativity, and the right tricks in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to winning that Oscar you’ve been eyeing. Remember, real sells. And so does quality, so don’t compromise on that.


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